
The 心理学博士后 training program is a member of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) and listed in the Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory. We are committed to the active recruitment of diverse fellows and encourage applications from historically underrepresented and minoritized groups, 女性, 退伍军人, 残疾人士, 以及其他能带来广泛不同观点和经验的人.

欢迎申请人查阅我们公开提供的培训手册 在这里.


十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台希区柯克医疗中心 (DHMC) is located in Lebanon, New Hampshire. DHMC is the regional academic medical center w在这里 faculty and trainees of Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth provide direct care to patients from throughout New England. DHMC is also considered the academic home of the postdoctoral fellowship program, 在这个项目的教育中心工作.  博士后也在DHMC完成他们的教学训练.

The Department of Psychiatry maintains an outpatient practice in child and adult services and manages the hospital's psychiatric inpatient and partial hospitalization units. Outpatient services follow a specialty care model comprised of an Anxiety Disorders Service, 情绪障碍服务, 行为医学服务. Psychiatric emergency services are provided through the hospital's emergency department. 精神科也提供神经心理学服务. 大约10,000 patients per year receive some type of service from one of the Department's units at DHMC. 大约4,000名成年人和1名,300 children receive outpatient medication management and psychotherapy per year. The Department of Psychiatry also has integrated services into specialty medicine settings. 目前,服务已纳入九个独特的设置(例如.g., 消化内科, 诺里斯·科顿癌症中心, 以及疼痛和脊柱研究中心), 大约有17名教职员工. Faculty and trainees in the embedded space provide a range of services from brief disease-specific psychotherapy, to pre-procedure evaluations and participation in multidisciplinary clinics.



The goal of our fellowship is to provide excellent training opportunities that prepare clinical psychologists for the next stage of their professional life. 我们的培训教员的目标是指导学员们规划自己的职业生涯. 研究员hips are designed for one year to provide sufficient clinical hours for licensure in New Hampshire. 虽然研究员不需要做研究, participation in ongoing research in the department is strongly encouraged. Each fellowship position consists of a primary clinical specialty emphasis. 研究员 have the opportunity to designate a secondary clinical area in which they can receive supplemental training. 2024-2025培训年度, 研究员可以选择焦虑症, 消化系统健康, or Child and Pediatric Psychology as the specialty emphasis and select a secondary emphasis in one other area. Interested applicants should specify the emphasis area when applying (Anxiety Disorders, 消化系统健康, 或儿童及儿科心理学).

Graduates of our program are expected to utilize current psychological science in their clinical activities, 包括评估, 诊断, 咨询, 和治疗. 为了实现这一目标, fellows will participate in weekly didactic learning experiences provided by core faculty from the training program, 兼职教师, 以及特邀讲师. 强烈鼓励研究员, 但不是必需的, to demonstrate proficiency in scholarly activities through manuscript development, 研究建议, 参加心理治疗服务杂志俱乐部.

培训内容包括理论和研究, 评估, 干预, 从认知行为的角度进行咨询. 核心培训目标包括专业发展, 关于常见和罕见伦理困境的管理和协作, 临床研究方法. Learning is experiential and consists of individual supervised clinical services, 每周临床教学, 临床病例会议, 心理治疗服务杂志社, 会诊, participation in collaborative research projects, and teaching/supervising experiences. 研究员 receive specialized training and function in an increasingly independent capacity over the training year.

临床指导通过个人监督进行, 教学论, 会议, 以及与高级职员的日常合作. 研究员接受个人和团体治疗形式的培训. 在DHMC进行现场监督. Each fellow has a minimum of two hours of individual supervision by two licensed faculty psychologists. 其他专家,比如精神科医生, 神经学家, 外科医生也可以提供大量的指导. The supervisor has professional responsibility for all services provided to patients. All supervision is aimed at simultaneously helping the fellow develop high levels of specialty skills and knowledge while providing patients with excellent clinical service.  另外, all fellows will be matched with a professional development advocate based on individual content area and career interests.  This supervisor will provide guidance through the course of the fellowship program specific to developing a career in clinical psychology and assist the fellow in meeting milestones, 比如找工作, EPPP准备, 及牌照申请, 适当的.


  • 部门座谈会: These are held weekly throughout the academic year and are centered around a formal presentation by a visiting speaker or faculty member.
  • 专业发展研讨会这个每月一次的研讨会的重点是道德决策, 风险管理, 拨款申请的一般程序, 求职和谈判技巧, 以及其他研究员感兴趣的话题.
  • 研究研讨会: Faculty and visiting speakers present research methods, outcomes, and propose new studies monthly. Faculty are available to assist with research design and practical issues that fellows may encounter in applied research settings.
  • 临床实践教学: This weekly series includes presentations providing group-based instruction in theories of psychopathology and its disorders, 病例制定及临床实践方法, 并继续讨论与具体治疗方法相关的主题, 包括认知行为疗法(基于暴露的干预), 认知疗法, 接受与承诺疗法), 基于正念和接受的干预, 和几种药物.
  • 心理治疗服务杂志社: 心理治疗提供者, 包括心理学家, 精神科医生, 社会工作者及时到场, current research articles pertaining to issues in the delivery of psychotherapies and related clinical issues on a monthly basis in a casual lunch and learn format.


DHMC的位置还提供了许多其他优秀的资源. 位于佛蒙特州和新罕布什尔州的边界, 我们很容易到达康涅狄格河, 佛蒙特州的格林山脉和新罕布什尔州的怀特山脉, 还有很棒的徒步旅行, 滑雪, 还有攀岩. 黎巴嫩歌剧院, 北部的阶段, 十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台学院, 全部在10-15分钟内完成, 提供方便的文化活动、视觉和表演艺术. The Dartmouth Coach service also offers easy access to Boston (2 hours) and New York City (4.5小时).

如果您想了解更多十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台地区的信息,请访问 十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台希区柯克医疗中心和十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台希区柯克诊所 职业生涯 website 了解我们在上山谷的位置和居住情况.